OIPA continuously seeks opportunities to meet with counties civic groups, neighborhood councils, social clubs, and other community based organizations that help make the Bay Area such a vibrant place. We want to make sure all parts of the Bay Area are aware that they have access to our office in the case they feel they need to get in touch with us.
Educational Forums
One of the cornerstones of effective oversight of law enforcement is active community input and engagement. OIPA and the BART Police Civilian Review Board have hosted a series of informational forums. One such forum was designed to further OIPA’s goal of connecting with Bay Area youth. OIPA and the BART Police Civilian Review Board were pleased to pair up with a great organization called Jack and Jill of America, Inc., which seeks to provide social, cultural, and educational opportunities for youth in order to foster their leadership potential. We have great value in the dialogue that has taken place at every one of these events, and look forward to continuing our series at a new location in the near future.
If you’re interested in having OIPA speak to your organization, please call us at (510) 874-7477 or email oipa@bart.gov.
Here is a list of organizations that we have connected with:
- ACLU (Alameda County Paul Robeson & Northern California Chapters)
- Alameda County Bar Association
- Alameda County Board of Supervisors, District 4
- Alameda County Developmental Disabilities Planning & Advocacy
- Alameda County Probation Department
- Alameda County Public Defender
- Alice B. Toklas Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club
- Allen Temple Baptist Church
- Barbershop Forum
- Bay Area Black Prosecutors Association
- Berkeley Juneteenth Festival
- Berkeley School of Law
- Block by Block
- California State University, East Bay (Restorative Justice Class)
- California’s 15th Congressional District
- Center for Policing Equity (CPE)
- Center of Independent Living
- Centerforce Youth Court
- Chinatown Community Development
- City of Pittsburg City Council
- Coalition on Homelessness
- Community Works West
- Contra Costa County Office of the Public Defender
- East Bay for Everyone
- East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC)
- Fremont High School Senior Exhibition Judge, Oakland
- Garfield GREAT Graduation, San Leandro
- Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE)
- Huckleberry Youth Center
- HUGE, Inc.
- Irvington High School, Fremont
- Jack and Jill of America
- Justice for Angelo Quinto / The Angelo Quinto Foundation
- Kennedy High School, Richmond
- Kitayama GREAT Graduation, Union City
- Koreatown Northgate Community Benefits District
- Lao Family Community Development
- Leadership Public Schools – Richmond
- Love Not Blood Campaign (Impacted Families on Police Accountability)
- Making Waves Academy, Richmond
- Mission Cultural Center for Latin Arts
- Mission San Jose High School
- MLK Jr. Freedom Center
- Mo’Magic
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Contra Costa
- National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE)
- National Lawyers Guild
- National Night Out
- NEA Community Learning Center
- Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council (various OPD Beats)
- Newark Optimist Club
- North Richmond Municipal Advisory Council
- Oakland California Youth Outreach
- Oakland Citizens’ Review Board
- Oakland Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities
- Oakland Police Commission
- Oakland Youth Summit
- Oscar Grant Foundation
- OYPC Youth Forum (Alternatives in Action High School)
- People United for a Better Life in Oakland (PUEBLO)
- REACH Ashland Youth Center
- Richmond Police Commission
- Richmond Recreation Center
- Safety 1st
- San Francisco County Public Defender’s Office
- San Francisco Department of Police Accountability
- San Francisco Main Library Community Forum
- San Francisco Office of Citizen’s Complaints
- San Francisco Unified School District / Student Advisory Council
- San Francisco Youth Commission
- San Francisco Youth Guidance Center
- San Jose Charter Review Commission
- San Jose Independent Police Auditor
- Santa Barbara Community Formation Commission
- Secure Justice Podcast
- SF Bay Area Chapter National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE)
- Stop the Violence
- The Scraper Bike Shed Grand Opening, Oakland
- Unity Council
- University of California, Berkeley (Legal Studies 102 / Policing & Society)
- University of California, Davis
- University of California, San Francisco (UC Law San Francisco)
- Vallejo Townhall
- Youth Action Summit
- Youth Advocacy Day, San Francisco
- Youth Alive!
- Youth Power
- Youth Uprising Community Forum