BART needs increased maintenance capacity as part of its Fleet of the Future program. The Hayward Maintenance Complex (HMC) will ensure that BART’s maintenance and repair capacity is sufficient to support the new railcar fleet for both the current system and system expansions.
Hayward Maintenance Complex (HMC) project would consist of acquisition and improvement to four properties on the west side of the existing Hayward Yard for a larger primary repair shop, a new component repair shop, a vehicle overhaul shop, a new central parts warehouse, and a new maintenance and engineering repair shop. It also includes the construction of additional storage tracks for a maximum of 250 vehicles on undeveloped BART property on the east side of the Hayward Yard.
Part of the "Big 3" and BART's Core Capacity Project
BART has prioritized three interrelated capital investment initiatives to ensure the system can safely, efficiently, and comfortably serve current and new riders. They are known as the “Big 3” and include the Fleet of the Future, an improved train control system to enable trains to operate more frequently and this new maintenance facility to maintain and store the expanded fleet.
The “Big 3” together can address some key current bottlenecks that hinder BART’s ability to meet current and future ridership growth. The additional storage tracks to accomodate the new, larger Fleet are also part of BART's Transbay Corridor Core Capacity Program.
Funding and Phasing
The HMC will cost approximately $791 million, and a funding plan has been developed by BART and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to cover the full project cost. Creation of the HMC is jointly supported by BART and the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority (VTA). BART is also seeking funding from the Federal Tansit Administration (FTA) as part of the Core Capacity Program. Environmental clearance for the HMC project has been approved, cost-sharing agreements with VTA have been executed, and design work is currently in progress.
Hayward Maintenance Complex Phase 2
Northern Mainline Connector Project
One of the components of the HMC Phase 2 Project is the proposed Northern Mainline Connector Project (Project). It will construct new tracks that would connect the East Side Vehicle Storage Yard to BART’s mainline tracks. The primary Project site is located on 6 acres of undeveloped land in the northeast corner of HMC.
Major Project Components
- Extension of BART tracks from the vehicle storage area north to Industrial Parkway: approximately 3,600 feet.
- Underground utilities
- Lighting
- Perimeter fence
Environmental Process
BART published the Draft Supplemental Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) for the Hayward Maintenance Complex Phase 2 (HMC 2) project on June 17, 2022. On July 14, 2022, BART conducted a public meeting to solicit comments. The public review period for the Draft IS/MND ended at 5:00 pm on August 8, 2022.
BART has prepared a Final IS/MND that contains all the comments on the Draft IS/MND and written responses to those comments. (See Appendix E of the Final IS/MND.) The Final IS/MND can be accessed here: HMC2 Project Final Supplemental Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (18.3Mb).
A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) was prepared for the project to ensure implementation of specific mitigation measures in the Supplemental IS/MND as required by Public Resources Code Section 21080.6. The MMRP can be accessed here: MMRP (611 Kb).
Hardcopies of the Final IS/MND are available at the following locations:
NOTE: An appointment is needed to access the building to view the document. To schedule an appointment, please contact Donald Dean, Manager of Environmental Review, at, or 510-287-4844.
The Final IS/MND will be considered by the BART Board of Directors (Board) for adoption at the Board meeting scheduled for November 17, 2022. Information about the Board meeting can be found here.
The Civil Grading Project consists of site, civil, and structural improvements to the current BART Hayward Rail Storage Yard and underdeveloped land located north of the BART rail storage yard and east of the BART mainline tracks. The Civil Grading project is under the Hayward Maintenance Complex (HMC) Phase II Program. Please click on the link here for more information: Civil Grading public notice
Additional Information
For additional information click here or contact Andy Kelley at
Letters of Support
MTC (72Kb)
Santa Clara County (75Kb)
Silicon Valley Leadership Group (521Kb)
Stakeholders (120Kb)
Mayor of SanJose (542Kb)
Bay Area Council (75Kb)
CA State Delegation(59Kb)
House of Representatives (38Kb)
Mayor of Fremont (848Kb)
Senator Boxer (367Kb)
Federal Wage Certification (18Kb)
HMC Project Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (3.9Mb)
HMC Project Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix (9.8Mb)
Errata for HMC Final IS/MND (59Kb)
Addendum to Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Second Addendum to Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Related Documents
HMC Project Final Noise and Vibration Technical Report (3.2Mb)
HMC Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (206Kb)
Executive Summary
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