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Track shutdown scheduled for September 21 and 22 in Oakland postponed to October

The track shutdown that had been planned for Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22 between Rockridge, MacArthur, and 19th Street stations has been postponed until October. The next shutdown weekend for the replacement of track switches in the core of the system in Oakland will be Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20.

The postponement will allow BART to further evaluate lessons learned from the first shutdown weekend, which occurred in June. BART’s goal remains to minimize short term impacts on riders by maximizing work efficiency. Temporary shutdowns create a safe workspace for track crews while providing a massive boost in productivity thanks to uninterrupted 24/7 work. It’s still anticipated the rebuilding work will happen on 18 non-consecutive weekends over the next three years. 

This project will benefit riders for decades to come by improving the reliability of the core of BART. The work is part of the Measure RR rebuilding program, which is revitalizing the system’s core infrastructure. Learn more about the project here.