BART wants to hear from riders on proposed 2026 less-than-inflation fare increase
Update: The survey is now closed.
BART is seeking the public’s input on a proposed January 2026 less-than-inflation fare increase.
BART’s current funding model relies on passenger fares to run safe, clean, and reliable service and to help pay for key improvement projects. BART has a fare increase program that calls for small, regular, less-than-inflation increases every two years, with the next increase of 6.2% scheduled for January 1, 2026. For a short trip like Downtown Berkeley to 19th St./Oakland, the regular fare is estimated to increase by $0.15, and for a longer trip like Antioch to Montgomery, it’s estimated to increase by $0.55.
This proposed increase will help minimize the risk of service cuts while BART explores a long-term funding solution to restore financial stability, as some riders are taking fewer trips than before. Fares continue to be an important funding source to continue to meet the needs of riders who rely on BART.
Your feedback is important! Learn more and share your opinions by taking the survey online at or in-station at the locations listed below. The survey closes March 18. Respondents may choose to enter to win a $50 Clipper card at the end of the survey. It is available in multiple languages.
In-station survey locations:
Lake Merritt | Tuesday, March 4, 7am – 9:30am
Pittsburg/Bay Point | Thursday, March 6, 3pm – 6pm
Fruitvale | Monday, March 10, 7am – 9:30am
El Cerrito del Norte | Wednesday, March 12, 3pm – 6pm
Montgomery St | Thursday, March 13, 7am – 9:30am
BART offers the following fare discount programs:
Low-income adults earning 200% or less of the federal poverty level get 50% off through the regional Clipper START program.
Youth 5-18 years old get 50% off with a Youth Clipper card. 4 years and younger ride free.
Seniors 65 and over get 62.5% off with a Senior Clipper card.
The RTC Clipper card is a version of Clipper created for passengers under 65 with qualifying disabilities to provide 62.5% off.
BART offers a “High-value Discount.” Adult Clipper cards get a 6.25% discount on cash value rides by buying $48 worth of value for $45 or $64 worth of value for $60 when autoload is set up with your registered Clipper card.
Monthly “A” Adult Fast Pass + BART within San Francisco: Unlimited rides on all Muni vehicles and on BART within San Francisco (trips outside of these stations are charged full fare). Available for sale from the 17th of the prior month through the 16th of the month.
Students on a school-sponsored field trip for an educational purpose are eligible for a 62.5% discount fare when purchased in advance through Group Sales.
All discounts are set up in advance through Clipper: