Embarcadero-Montgomery Stations: Capacity and Modernization Implementation Plan


BART is working to improve the capacity of BART’s two busiest stations – Embarcadero and Montgomery. BART has conducted several studies to develop project concepts to expand station capacity. In addition, BART has identified modernization needs to improve station functionality, safety, access, appearance, and the overall customer experience. Understanding the concerns of stakeholders and BART riders has been central to the planning process. BART has developed an implementation and phasing plan to move forward with the most effective near-term improvements as well as potential future projects to accommodate the increasing number of riders and modernize the stations. These efforts are vital to support the continuing growth of the region and its transit network.

Project Purpose

Develop a modernization concept and phased implementation plan to increase station capacity, modernize and enhance customer experience at Embarcadero and Montgomery stations.

Project Details 

Capacity Improvement Strategies considered for both stations include:

  • Create more space on existing platforms by relocating vertical objects, space-efficient seating replacement, platform screen doors, etc.

  • Improve and increase vertical circulation capacity by constructing new platform elevators, new stairs next to existing escalators, elevator upgrades, etc.

  • Provide real-time information at the concourse level while enhancing the concourse experience (i.e.real-time information displays, improved amenities, lighting upgrades, etc.)

  • Implement long-term station capacity expansion as funding is available, such as new side platforms and platform screen doors as shown in image.

Modernization Concept Plans were developed to bring Embarcadero and Montgomery stations into the 21st century. The goals of modernization are to upgrade the station’s function, safety, capacity, sustainability and appearance, and improve the customer and employee experience. A distinct visual and functional concept that strengthens each station’s identity and performance provides the framework for a prioritized list of projects to guide future investments in a timely and efficient manner, integrated with the capacity improvements outlined above.

Near-Term Modernization Improvements (small-scale, relatively low-cost and easy to implement) for both stations include:

  • Station Brightening - cleaning, replacing lighting painting, reducing clutter, etc. 
  • State of Good Repair - Returning facilities and systems to a state of good repair, replacing components and features at the end of their useful life.

Major Modernization Renovations may include the following improvements: 

  • For both stations: Improved entries, renovated ticketing areas, real-time information at the concourse level, space-efficient platform seating, etc.
  • Embarcadero: New concourse ceiling, platform elevator upgrades
  • Montgomery: Opening up lobby spaces, new lighter-colored platform flooring and integrated lighting

Project Materials

Project Overview (2015):


Project Plan 

Capacity Implementation Strategy and Modernization Concept Plan for Embarcadero and Montgomery Stations

Final Report (2016)

2014 Outreach Events and Survey Results

In October 2014, BART revceived more than 5,000 survey responses about potential improvements at Embarcadero and Montgomery stations, either online or in the stations during our outreach revents.

Community Outreach and Survey Results (November 2014)
Community Outreach and Survey Results Presentation (November 2014)

2014 Survey Results by Station 

Project Background (2014 Outreach)